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Type 1 (Real, Present)
Formula : If + S + V1 + O, S + Will + V1
1. If I find her book, I’ll give it to her next week.
Fact: I may give her book next week.
2. If you invite me to your birthday party, I will come.
Fact: I may come to your birthday party.
3. They will arrive at 7 pm if their flight isn't delayed.
Fact: Their flight is delayed, so they will arrive late.
4. Jeff won't be happy if her wife goes to Bandung.
Fact: Her wife doesn't go to Bandung, so Jeff will be happy.
5. If the weather is sunny, I will go to Coachella.
Fact: The weather is sunny, so I will go to Coachella.
6. My uncle will give me a new swimming suit if I am able to swim.
Fact: My uncle buys me a new swimming suit because I am able to swim.
7. If I have a day off from work, I will go to the beach.
Fact: I may go to the beach in my free time.
8. If I have more money, I’ll give it to poor people in the orphanage.
Fact: I may give money to the poor people in the orphanage one day.
9. If I go to my friend's house for dinner tonight, I will take some flowers.
Fact: I may take some flowers from my friend’s house.
10. I will read  the magazine if  the TV programs are not interesting.
Fact: I may read the magazine because TV programs are not interesting.

Type 2 (Unreal, Present)
Formula : If + S + V2 + O, S + Would + V1 + O
1. If I woke up earlier , I would not be late for coming to the concert.
Fact: I do not wake up earlier so I come late for coming to the concert.
2. If we did not hide inside the mosque , the tornado wind would hit us
Fact: We hide inside the mosque so the tornado wind does not hit us.
3. If she came to my graduation party, I would not extremely disappointed.
Fact: She does not come to my graduation party, so I extremely disappointed.
4. If I hadn’t enough money, I would not buy a fancy clothes.
Fact: I have enough money, so I buy a fancy clothes.
5. If you invited me to your wedding party, I would be your bridesmaid.
Fact: You don’t invite me to your wedding party, so I do not be your bridesmaid.
6. If many people took the money at Bank on Wednesday, I would decide to take it on Thursday.
Fact: Many people do not the money at Bank on Wednesday, so I do not decide to take it on Thursday.
7. If you spoke loudly, My grandmother would hear what you said.
Fact: You don’t speak loudly, so my grandmother doesn’t hear what you say.
8. If Dara won the Chemical Olympiad, I would be so excited.
Fact: Dara doesn’t win the Chemical Olympiad, so I do not excited.
9. If they gave me a bouquet, I would be so happy.
Fact: They didn’t give me a bouquet, so I don’t happy.
10. If I didn’t studied harder, I would not pass the Physics Exam.
Fact: I study harder, so I pass the Physics Exam.

Type 3 (Unreal, Past)
Formula : If + S + Had + V3 + O, S + Would + Have + V3 + O
1. If Ina had been a leader in this class, I would have not been register a leader.
Fact: Ina was not a leader in this class so I register a leader.
2. My mother would have cooked in the kitchen if there had been much vegetable.
Fact: My mother did not cook because there was not much vegetable.
3. If the classroom had not been repaired, the students had not been able to study seriously.
Fact: The classroom was repaired so the students were able to study hard.
4. If Cila had studied hard, he would have passed the exam.
Fact: Cila didn’t study hard, so he didn’t pass the exam.
5. If those bananas had started ripening, those monkeys would have eaten it.
Fact: Those bananas weren’t ripe, so those monkeys didn’t eat it.
6. If her proposal had been approved by her advisor, she would have been cheerful.
Fact: Her proposal wasn’t approved, so she wasn’t cheerful.
7. I would have repaired my computer on Friday if I had had enough money.
Fact: I didn't have enough money, so I didn't repair on Friday.
8. If I had worn helmet, I wouldn't have gotten a ticket from police.
Fact: I didn't wear helmet, so I got a ticket from police.
9. If Kayla had come here last night, she would have known the truth.
Fact: Kayla didn't come here last night, so she didn't know the truth.
10. If her grandfather had been immediately taken to the hospital, he would have been saved.
Fact: Her grandfather didn’t immediately taken to the hospital, so he didn’t save.


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